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  • Hiroshima City Consultation Service for International Residents to start regular services from May 22

Hiroshima City Consultation Service for International Residents to start regular services from May 22

The International Conference Center Hiroshima (ICCH) has been closed since April 17 in order to prevent of the spread of COVID-19. However, the ICCH will open from May 22.

Since the ICCH opens, the Hiroshima City Consultation for International Residents, located there, will start regular consultation services from May 22.

To prevent the spread of the virus, we will continue to ask you to follow the below:

– Refrain from visiting if you have a fever or cold symptoms (even if mild) such as coughing or a sore throat.

– Use hand sanitizer before and after entering.

– Wear a mask.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.


May 21, 2020
Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation (International Relations & Cooperation Division)

